Seagull management is a management style wherein a manager only interacts with employees when they deem a problem has arisen. The perception is that such a management style involves hasty decisions about things of which they have little understanding, resulting in a messy situation with which others must deal.[1][2] The term became popular through a joke in Ken Blanchard’s 1985 book Leadership and the One Minute Manager: “Seagull managers fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on everyone, then fly out.”[3]

You cannot manage or lead anyone with higher consciousness than you. It’s the equivalent of the person higher on the ladder trying to climb down past the person below them. It’s an unimaginable mess but mostly for the person below who cops a butt in their face at some point.

Seagull management is when the manager has less vision, less inspiration and less purpose than those they manage. Hence, the only way they can stay in charge so to speak, is to operate to belittle those below. That’s seagull management.

Consciousness in business is under estimated. Mostly because it can’t be measured by the usually kiss up, kick down management style endorsed by most commercial HR packaged culture measures.

Three elements of Consciousness you can measure:

  1. Vision… Why does this person come to work? That’s a great question. We use the consciousness cone below to score them. Although this model looks incredibly simplified, it is far from it. All mental health problems can be identified in a vision analysis on the consciousness scale and the quality of leadership as well.
  2. Inspiration … A VIP score on the inspiration wheel represents total human awareness. On this score chart we can predict workplace behaviour driven by home life challenges and reverse. This powerful total human awareness model reveals the level of inspiration an individual can and will sustain in their work and can be scored on the scale. 
  3. Purpose… The Purpose score is also measurable. For this we use biometrics such as HRV and BMI. If you are unfamiliar with these, it would be wise to Google them. But there are others too, such as visceral fat. A compilation of these metrics gives us a Purpose score within +/-1% accuracy. This purpose score is an accurate measure of sustainability and decision quality as well.

For many years Corporations have made the mistake of compartmentalising the development of people with the aim of increasing productivity and yet, the total human being, the heart, quality of life, relationship and other aspects of the human condition have been ignored. As we enter an era of A.I and hyper accelerated decision making the demands on individuals to bring their total capacity to work, including their heart, creativity, inspiration and non rational intellect, means we need a new understanding of “the Total Human Dynamic.” In measuring and growing human consciousness fragmentation does not exist. Your Vision, Inspiration and Purpose scores help employees to restore and preserve that awareness.

Getting started can be the hardest part

Work Smart

Success is earned, one step at a time. One of the most invaluable skills a person can have is being able to clearly express what they want.

Innerwealth Chris Walker Consciousness Cone

Work Hard

Sometimes the hardest part of finding success is gathering the courage to get started. As long as you’re learning, you’ll never really fail.

Sweet Success

The most successful people don’t look back to see who’s watching. Look for opportunities to lift others up along the way.