Archive for February, 2023

This is the third in the series of Inspiration Techniques. LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD Many people say, mistakenly, that inspiration occurs only serendipitously when you forget to be worried about life. They think that those inspirations are sudden impulses that cannot be deliberately caused. But we know, we know that we know, that those people are […]

INSPIRATION TECHNIQUES – BEYOND SEAGULL MANAGEMENT Seagull management is a management style wherein a manager only interacts with employees when they deem a problem has arisen. The perception is that such a management style involves hasty decisions about things of which they have little understanding, resulting in a messy situation with which others must deal.[1][2] The term became popular through a […]

“the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” Oxford Dictionary Can you relate to this definition of “Being inspired”? When googling inspiration I get About 3,520,000,000 results… including one of my fav’s from WeWork and another from HBR.ORG suggesting that “In a culture obsessed with measuring talent and ability, we […]

If our parents didn’t love and understand each other, how are we to know what love looks like? … The most precious inheritance that parents can give their children is their own happiness. Our parents may be able to leave us money, houses, and land, but they may not be happy people. If we have […]

TRANSCRIPT 00:00 Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are. This is Chris. And we are talking today about the human spirit. And well, it’s a complicated topic at the best of times, but I will try my very best to distill it. 00:19 Enthusiasm that’s another word for the human spirit. Enthusiasm and enthusiasm is […]

“To love without knowing how to love wounds the person we love,”  Zen teacher Thich Nhat Hanh Listen on Spotify A.I TRANSLATED Listen on Soundcloud CHRIS WALKER SPOKEN This idea is profoundly discomfiting in the context of our cultural mythology, which continually suggests love is something that happens to us passively and by chance, something […]

Innerwealth Audio books present an interesting journey through a specific aspect of the journey of self improvement. The current book, Audio book #3 is now up on Spotify for your enjoyment. I have used A.I Text to Speech translation to make the process more powerful. And also, free. Please visit my podcast web portal here… […]

This is indeed well understood by any gardener. The aim of the life of a rosebush is to be all that is inherent as potentiality in the rosebush: that its leaves are well developed and that its flower is the most perfect rose that can grow out of this seed. The gardener knows, then, in […]

Many years ago I was told that the best way to go through life is to get into the middle of the stream and float along with everybody else. The advice came from the only boss I’ve ever had in the only job I’ve ever had for an employer. It seems that my boss was […]

I’m presenting you today a short discussion on the art of leadership. I hope you enjoy it. What is leadership? 0:13 Well, a leader drives transition. I think we’ve given enough rhetoric to the concept of leadership to know that if you Google leadership tomorrow on Google, you’ll get around 5.8 billion hits and everybody […]

A “fixed mindset” assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static givens which we can’t change in any meaningful way, and success is the affirmation of that inherent intelligence, an assessment of how those givens measure up against an equally fixed standard; striving for success and avoiding failure at all costs become a […]

You are being paid and rewarded to deliver. Delivery diminishes with stress. Stress is a short term necessity, but a long term life and delivery killer. You are not being paid to be in sustained worry, anxiety, uncertainty, loss, fear, agitation, because these things make your contribution less productive and unsustainable.  Mind noise therefore  will, […]

Having long reckoned with the relationship between cynicism and hope, I often say that cynics — who are the people most deserving of our pity — are just brokenhearted optimists. There is both a lovely confluence and a lovely inversion of these ideas in the assertion that “hope is optimism with a broken heart.” Of […]

TRANSCRIPT Mind Noise:  craving for excitement, agitation, variety, stimulation, energising, motivation, activity, thinking, worry, reaction, anger, frustration, sadness, depression, poor immune system, frequent colds, headaches, brain fog, excessive fatigue, weight gain, especially low mood or feeling like you’re in a funk.  And if you’ve talked to your partner about it, probably told you to calm […]

I would suggest really strongly that sadness is a really big mind noise, spinning around there thinking, “I’ll be really sad about this, and it’ll make a big difference.” It doesn’t. Your sadness makes things worse. And so the process of getting above sadness and moving through sadness quickly is a process to allow you […]

WE judge others in order to be safe. But it’s not. Every judgement we make locks us into a cycle. WE judge in others what we don’t like or love in ourselves. A vicious circle. Career or Lifestyle … your choice is limited…. let’s explore… TRANSCRIPT 00:01 Well, good day. Self-hate. It’s all gone, hasn’t […]

It is almost beyond belief that we could hate ourselves. And most of us would say we don’t. But you can’t love one person and hate another. Every human, including ourselves, has every human trait. Therefore when we hate somebody or let’s put it more mildly are angry at them judge being them criticising them, […]

It may seem strange at first to think that in your mind there is constant noise, it arrives through the senses and delivers, when necessary, a reaction. But before that arrival of sensory input, we can have thoughts rolling around in our head that we are just not aware of. Self depreciating, self criticising, self […]

Mind noise sneaks up on us when we leave a vacuum. When we do not focus on the Will of life, then life imposes its will. Listening to the Innerwealth Podcasts over on SOUNDCLOUD can fill your empty space with love and heart and soul filled experiences, those we call, inspired. Slip on over on […]

TRANSCRIPT OF CHRIS WALKER INNERWEALTH ON THE BEACH SOUNDCLOUD PODCAST FROM FEB 9th. Good morning, good afternoon, wherever you are, we’re just walking back along the beach, the wind is behind me. So I thought I could grab a quick podcast before I got home after an ocean swim. (the water is gorgeous.) A little […]